Thursday, February 17, 2011

Multimedia: force for good-and danger

It's ironic that I am writing a blog about the danger of multimedia. Some may say blogging and social networking is the main cause of dangerous journalism. First, we must admit it's not going away. People who refuse to accept or use multimedia will only continue to fall behind. Student journalists need to use multimedia, but must be careful of the dangers. The base of knowledge students receive about journalism should remain the same. Traditional methods still need to be taught as scholastic journalism advisers should still stress the rights and responsibilities of journalists. If students are properly taught they will hopefully not fall into the dangerous traps of multimedia. They need to be very careful that speed does not sacrifice accuracy. Also, students need to be able to separate what is pure journalism from simply gossip or unsupported opinions. Since many advisers and potential mentors are still be part of a generation which did not grow up with the major amounts of multimedia we experience now, hopefully students are being properly educated to recognize the differences.

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